
In order to build the docs you need to

  1. install sphinx and additional support packages

  2. build the package reference files

  3. run sphinx to create a local html version

Command to be run from path/to/pimms/docs, i.e. from within the docs package folder:

# pip install pimms[docs]
# pwd: ./vaep/docs
conda env update -f environment.yml

If you prefer pip, run

# pwd: ./vaep
pip install .[docs]

Build docs#

Using Sphinx command line tools.


  • --separate to build separate pages for each (sub-)module

# pwd: ./pimms/docs
# apidoc
sphinx-apidoc --force --implicit-namespaces --module-first -o reference ../vaep
# build docs
sphinx-build -n -W --keep-going -b html ./ ./_build/